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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the Valdaiskii mexaniceskii zavod factory.

Export of Products

Export of Valdaiskii mexaniceskii zavod products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All Valdaiskii mexaniceskii zavod products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Valdaiskii mexaniceskii zavod: asynchronous, synchronous, single-phase, three-phase, with electromagnetic brake, protected
  • Asynchronous air engines Valdaiskii mexaniceskii zavod
    Asynchronous air engines
    AIR , etc .
  • Crane engines Valdaiskii mexaniceskii zavod
    Crane engines
    MTF, 4MTM, MTH, etc.
  • Explosion-proof engines Valdaiskii mexaniceskii zavod
    Explosion-proof engines
    4 BP, VA, etc.
  • Engines with brakes Valdaiskii mexaniceskii zavod
    Engines with brakes
    AIR E, AIR EK, etc.
  • Single-phase motors Valdaiskii mexaniceskii zavod
    Single-phase motors
    AIRE, AIR3E, etc.
  • Engines for large machines Valdaiskii mexaniceskii zavod
    Engines for large machines
    A4, DAZO, DAV, VAO, etc.
  • Axial fans Valdaiskii mexaniceskii zavod
    Axial fans
    VO series , etc .
  • Radial fans Valdaiskii mexaniceskii zavod
    Radial fans
    series BP, VC, VVD, etc.
  • Roof fans Valdaiskii mexaniceskii zavod
    Roof fans
    series WRC, WRC, etc.
  • Blow fans, smoke pumps Valdaiskii mexaniceskii zavod
    Blow fans, smoke pumps
    VD, VDN, DN, D, etc.
  • Dust fans Valdaiskii mexaniceskii zavod
    Dust fans
    series of VCPs, CPUs, etc.


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